Today, Brandon started his chemotherapy! Although it may be difficult, we're all happy that it is underway. The doctors say that once the chemo starts killing off the cancer cells, he should notice a decrease in the amount of back pain he is experiencing. Doan will be undergoing 24 hours of treatment for 4 days, and then the doctors will closely monitor his progress and how his body responds before the next phase of treatment begins. Additionally, once the cancer cells start being killed off, the fractures in his spine should be able to start healing. The physical therapist team will continue to work with Doan over the next several days to get him out of bed for a few minutes each day to keep his muscles working and to help improve his overall strength.
We are also happy to report that his appetite continues to get better. Keep in mind, this is all relative considering a few days ago all he could handle was liquids and apple sauce! But, progress is progress.
It seems that each new day brings new tests to run, medicines to try, and we learn new information. However, we feel confident that as we all continue to stay hopeful and pray to our Heavenly Father, we'll continue to see progress, especially now that his chemo treatment has begun. While your fasting and prayers are definitely still needed, they are certainly making a difference each and every day that goes by. We feel so blessed to have so much love and support from so many.
We are also happy to report that his appetite continues to get better. Keep in mind, this is all relative considering a few days ago all he could handle was liquids and apple sauce! But, progress is progress.
It seems that each new day brings new tests to run, medicines to try, and we learn new information. However, we feel confident that as we all continue to stay hopeful and pray to our Heavenly Father, we'll continue to see progress, especially now that his chemo treatment has begun. While your fasting and prayers are definitely still needed, they are certainly making a difference each and every day that goes by. We feel so blessed to have so much love and support from so many.
Brandon, I just wanted to bear you my testimony that there is a God in Heaven who knows you, loves you and will hold you in the hollow of His hand throughout even the darkest of days. I have experienced this and know that you will too. Prayers are being sent to you from across the world, they are our prayers from Belgium. Julie O'Leary
I was up at some meetings at the hospital today and stopped in to see Brandon, but he was asleep. Pleae tell him hello, that Jane and I have him and the family in ours prayers daily and we hope that everything goes well with the chemo!
Marc and Jane Sanders
Hey Katie and Brandon. . . I just wanted to say hello and let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I also wanted to lend my blogging support. . . because that is one thing I am good at :) I am not sure who is managing your site- but I have a few ideas to whomever is running it to get the word out to even more people. . . . so please contact me if you would like my assistance!!!!
God bless!!!
Jana Baldwin (Maere Baldwin Weed's Cousin)
Brandon and Katie,
I just want you to know how much we love you and are praying for you daily.
It is wonderful to be able to read your updates. Each little improvement is a blessing.
Through the days ahead you have the faith and prayers of so many who love you including our Primary children. Love, Marian and Primay
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