The star patient has now become a shooting star as far as I'm concerned...I can hardly keep up with him! Brandon returned home from the hospital on Saturday afternoon and is now in full recovery mode. He has his oxygen with him at almost all times for the time being until his lungs clear up and get a little bit stronger from this whole engraftment syndrome thing. But, I have to say, the length of the oxygen tube is rather impressive, so he can still be quite mobile without having to worry about where the tank is. He went in for blood tests on Sunday morning and everything looked good enough that he didn't need to get any additional blood put in to help his counts or anything. So that was really good. His next appointment is later this week, so we'll see how that goes and how everything is looking then.
He is not even a couple weeks out from the bone marrow transplant, so his immune system is still pretty low and all his energy is going towards rebuilding it. His appetite is coming back day by day, and hopefully in the next few weeks he'll once again have the energy to get back into his exercise routine. (Personally, I have no doubts!)
Ryan and I were able to get out to UT for the Labor Day holiday weekend and were once again amazed at the progress Brandon has made as well as his continual "can do" attitude. I think because Doan has done so well over the past few months and has proven that he is strong and capable of taking on just about anything, it is easy to take for granted how HUGE each of these treatments are and what a BIG deal it is that he crosses these hurtles one after the other. I don't think I'll ever be able to complain about anything again when I'm around Brandon and Katie. They are such great examples to me of "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!" Some of my favorite things from the weekend were seeing Brandon smile, laugh, crack jokes, add a little dry sarcasm to a conversation, and call Katie his sweetheart. Keep it up guys- you're amazing!
He is not even a couple weeks out from the bone marrow transplant, so his immune system is still pretty low and all his energy is going towards rebuilding it. His appetite is coming back day by day, and hopefully in the next few weeks he'll once again have the energy to get back into his exercise routine. (Personally, I have no doubts!)
Ryan and I were able to get out to UT for the Labor Day holiday weekend and were once again amazed at the progress Brandon has made as well as his continual "can do" attitude. I think because Doan has done so well over the past few months and has proven that he is strong and capable of taking on just about anything, it is easy to take for granted how HUGE each of these treatments are and what a BIG deal it is that he crosses these hurtles one after the other. I don't think I'll ever be able to complain about anything again when I'm around Brandon and Katie. They are such great examples to me of "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!" Some of my favorite things from the weekend were seeing Brandon smile, laugh, crack jokes, add a little dry sarcasm to a conversation, and call Katie his sweetheart. Keep it up guys- you're amazing!
We're so glad to hear that you're doing well Brandon. The kids ask about you all the time. We hope to see you all at Christmas. Our prayers and blessings are with you. Many, many warm hugs.
Dear Brandon,
My name is Jean and I’m with the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. Our organization helps patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of transplant from diagnosis through survivorship by providing vital information and personalized support services. We subscribe to Google blog alerts, where we found your story.
Please know that others are thinking of you and and wishing you a continued good recovery.
To learn more about our programs and services, please visit or call 800-546-5268.
We are praying for your continued recovery! Your California cousins are rooting for you!
Caroline, Steve, Connor, Morgan, Anna and all the rest.
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